Who we are

Gathering from all walks of life, we are a varied group of experts who felt the urgent need to stand personally to fight the current degradation and depletion of our society. We want to sensitise the public opinion and to give an active voice to the debate and the confrontation on the various themes concerning the quality of our life..

What defines quality of life nowadays? What do we have to put an effort in? What change
do we have to make, what do we have to ask for or what personal contribution do we
have to provide? Summing up, what must we do to realize a more fair and equal society,
a purpose which seems to go away as time goes by? What do we have to make for our
present? what about our future?

We would like to attempt an answer to all these questions, we would like to overcome all
the fears and uncertainty of our present and build the positive foundations for our future
and for the generations that will come later.

As the Moroccan poet Moncef Marzouki would say, we want to be the ones who plant the
seed in the desert

…Io vengo dal deserto, e ho visto mio nonno seminare nel deserto. Non so se abbiate idea di cosa sia seminare nel deserto. È seminare su una terra arida e poi aspettare. E se cade la pioggia, si farà il raccolto. Non so se abbiate mai visto il deserto dopo la pioggia. È come la Bretagna! Un giorno camminate su una terra completamente brulla e poi, piove appena, e vi chiedete come sia potuto accadere ciò che è sotto i vostri occhi: fiori, frutti, … Tutto semplicemente perché i semi erano già lì
… Questa immagine mi ha veramente segnato quando ero bambino. E quindi bisogna seminare!
 Anche nel deserto bisogna seminare! È in questo modo che io vedo il mio lavoro. Io semino e, se piove domani, bene, se no almeno i semi sono là. Che cosa accadrebbe se io non seminassi? Su cosa cadrebbe la pioggia? Che cosa crescerebbe: le pietre? È questo l’atteggiamento che io adotto: seminare nel deserto.
 (Moncef Marzouki, maggio 2010)

We do live by these words for they express the spirit of conscious hope and silent but
fruitful construction.

Studies, insights, comparisons and debates coming along aim to shape active proposals
for a new and better social system, as well as economic and political.

Traditional places of the political debate don’t provide answers anymore, they are no more
able to build meetings and discussions. They are no more capable to solve our needs, and
to understand these changing times.

Time has come to walk new paths, to give people a chance to meet and exchange
thoughts and projects, as well as to start new efforts aimed to leave a sign on our reality.

To achieve all of the above, we have founded ACQ – Associazione Culturale della Qualità
– an association targeted to share and spread those values of quality that will allow us to
gain the physical and psychological wellbeing, the right to pursue happiness, a founding
principle of equity and solidarity.

LIB21 is the Association’s website created to promote its value and propositions, and
support exchange of ideas and confrontations.

LIB21 is the acronym of the 21st century Liberty Bell, and was chosen to recall the
symbolic value of the Liberty Bell, from the American Revolution. We want to be a stepping
stone to support the cultural recovery of a society meant for free people.
We want to plant seed. Even in the desert. We hope you will be on this journey with us.

To contact us, or collaborate with us, send an email to info@lib21.org